Noahide Laws: The Antichrist system

Noahhide Laws will be the anti-christ religion of the world. There is no single man who is the antichrist, it is the antichrist system that existed in Jesus time, and the system that rules the world today.

The zionist Jews are todays Pharisees and Saducees, teaching not for the Torah but the Talmud

The time of Gods judgement will be like the days of Noah, will intense evil and corruption of flesh via transhumanism

Understand the fake Jews control this world system- they are the only specifically Anti-Christ religion, and Yahweh judged and destroyed them in 70 AD and will do so again at judgement. Their father is Satan and He has been allowed to return from his imprisonment thru the re-establishment of Judism in Israel.

The Jews are the perpetrators of hundreds of years of death and bloodshed, wars, famines and the promotion of all types of evil all over the world.

The Jews have crafted a prophecy that will usher in their Messiah. Their false prophecy will have ppl turn against Yah and His followers, thus becoming antichrist in themselves, believing this “war” against Christians will usher in peace, but will lead them to be destroyed by Yah

The symbol of the Noahhide law is a rainbow, which is also the symbol of the Zionist controlled LGBTQ platform. (Tel Avi, Israel is the Worlds capitol for Homosexuality). However, the Noahhide laws calls for the decapitation’s of Homosexuals, so all those gays they helped produce they will in the end kill. The wages of sin is truly death for those without Christ.

Read the protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Satanic Jews conspired to create the 2 World Wars, and a final world War coming between the Jews and Islam, which they will win and sya that they have eradicated terrorism from the world, ushering “world peace’. As bringers of this “peace”, the whole world will be controlled by their governing principles of the Noahhide laws, which will make worship of Jesus Christ illegal and punishable by Beheading..This is the antichrist system that will ultimately destroyed by Yah.

 Thessalonians 5:3King James Version

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1The Basic Doctrine: “Right Lies in Might”Freedom and Liberty; Authority and power; Gold=money
2Economic War and Disorganization Lead to International GovernmentInternational Political economic conspiracy; Press/Media as tools
3Methods of ConquestJewish people, arrogant and corrupt; Chosenness/Election; Public Service
4The Destruction of Religion by MaterialismBusiness as Cold and Heartless; Gentiles as slaves
5Despotism and Modern ProgressJewish Ethics; Jewish People’s Relationship to Larger Society
6The Acquisition of Land, The Encouragement of SpeculationOwnership of land
7A Prophecy of Worldwide WarInternal unrest and discord (vs. Court system) leading to war vs Shalom/Peace
8The transitional GovernmentCriminal element
9The All-Embracing PropagandaLaw; education; Freemasonry
10Abolition of the Constitution; Rise of the AutocracyPolitics; Majority rule; Liberalism; Family
11The Constitution of Autocracy and Universal RuleGentiles; Jewish political involvement; Freemasonry
12The Kingdom of the Press and ControlLiberty; Press censorship; Publishing
13Turning Public Thought from Essentials to Non-essentialsGentiles; Business; Chosenness/Election; Press and censorship; Liberalism
14The Destruction of Religion as a Prelude to the Rise of the Jewish GodJudaism; God; Gentiles; Liberty; Pornography
15Utilization of Masonry: Heartless Suppression of EnemiesGentiles; Freemasonry; Sages of Israel; Political power and authority; King of Israel
16The Nullification of EducationEducation
17The Fate of Lawyers and the ClergyLawyers; Clergy; Christianity and non-Jewish Authorship
18The Organization of DisorderEvil; Speech;
19Mutual Understanding Between Ruler and PeopleGossip; Martyrdom
20The Financial Program and ConstructionTaxes and Taxation; Loans; Bonds; Usury; Moneylending
21Domestic Loans and Government CreditStock Markets and Stock Exchanges
22The Beneficence of Jewish RuleGold=Money; Chosenness/Election
23The Inculcation of ObedienceObedience to Authority; Slavery; Chosenness/Election
24The Jewish RulerKingship; Document as Fiction

Currently we see the assignation of an Iranian nuclear scientist on 11/27/20 by US/Israel forces, which is baiting Iran into war, as well as other Muslim countries. The plan by Israel is called the “Greater Israel” project….and it will happen..but for a short period…the same period Yah destroyed back in 70 AD, the same ppl who killed the prophets.

There are zionist influenced and controlled world leaders donning “the circle” pin of the UN SDG ( Sustainable Development Goals) which on the outside, *sound all nice*. But the Bible says, that they are prepping you- in- unbelief, for a lie of the false peace. And depopulation as has been noted goal via UN Agenda 21 and 2030, and entombed in the Georgia Guide stones, to hyper elevate nature, and bring the world population down to 500 million, from nearly 8 Billion. Satan wants to have a mass human blood sacrifice

This is the bottom line, of how Noahide will be dispensed into the World: The SDG goals align w/ International Criminal Court , moved to Jerusalem, Israel, under the authority of Sanhedrin and 70 nations to deploy Noahide laws ( sub laws), used for depopulation under theocracy, under the Holy War

Welcome to the briefing (as part 1): detailing out the game strategy of The Children of “light” ( Lucifer), who are openly declaring, in a million underhanded and seedy ways, that the Kingdom of Satan ( 2.0) has arrived; and that they are formulating A Global Holy War against The Children of “DARKNESS” ( aka: Christian World View/ The Church/ Patriarchy! (All under our trusting noses! This channel pays attention to everything). Drink in the thumbnail pic to this video! This is warned about in Isiah 5: 20, and now it is happening, as they set it up! The Bible says through Isaiah the prophet: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)… ( look at who invented the coin on the thumb nail? Sanhedrin Top Dog Rabbi H Weiss!) The Jewish RAbbis in Israel with their version of a Messiah ( antichrist) are telling you they are at WAR with their sworn enemy: Jesus and his Faith! So they memorialize it in Coinage messages with *WAR declarations from the Darkness* pretending to be the Light, and calling the Church in coded ambiguity, “the Darkness”. Nearly no one is talking about this? Threats abound, but the people seem unaware of the game plan, from the news, to the warnings in the Bible. I guess this issue of the Ebola lie (Co-vid) is working so well to distract and obscure people’s attention. Does anyone even care? War in the past have been about nation against nation per se. This is about the people of all the nations, against the Christians- By their highly organized leadership. Even the World Economic Forum is getting more bold is disclosing their Ai and Robotics Techno 4th Industry Revolution and sustainable Development Reset, but the people are by and large unware. They are awash in so much distraction, I guess. What we need now, are watchmen on the wall, who are directing people to the Bible, Rebirth in Jesus, the Ark of the Renewed Covenant and our safety under the blood that is applied to the ‘”door posts” of our “house” so we escape from the “Death [Angel]” aka: *consequences of Judgment*. Christ fulfilled that Passover, and this is basic Kindergarten 101 Christianity. But does modern day Christians understand that Christ took the Judgment for us, since Jesus is the DELIVERER! The Kingdom of Darkness is getting all their marching orders in place, and the Church by and large is clueless as to what is shaping up around them, via a deceitful group of humans in league with the Devil- preparing persecution and 1984 style indoctrination and forced participation of evil. They are even showing you on TV that they will be rounding up and subjugating Americans. Be sure to pay attention for part 2, that I will link here as well, when I upload it, because it will go farther in to sharing this declaration. They are very busy at the UN and the White house as well as the Sanhedrin and the 70 nations prepping for an *American intuition to implement the forcing of the Unforgivable sin by the Noahide, which includes compulsory Christ rejection, globally*. What is the Sanhedrin talking about?! What do they have planned for Sukkot? You need to see part 2, to understand what they are detailing! In a forthcoming video, we ponder this: And what is with that Key that Trump gave to the Leader of Unbelieving Israel? What is meant by that?! Did not Jesus mention a KEY too, in Revelation 3 ? The Key of David, which is Christ and the Mystery of godliness ( the incarnation) which is part of a discussion that Messiah brings up to the Pharisees of his day during a lengthy fight, dotted out in the chapters of Matthew 21, 22, 23, and finally 24. ( By the time you get to the 24th chapter, you see what we are seeing elapse now in prophecy, as the same fight ( a battle of wills with GOD), but ending with the fruit of the Great Great Great…. Grandchildren of the Sanhedrin, whom Jesus fought with then- and now; over his authority and incarnation! Not much has changed. The Fight is still fresh, with new players. With the technology, the fight is getting bigger! They( Israel Unit 8200) has access to all the technology ( Snapdragon Qualcomm), and their is a need to understand why Jesus carefully chooses the DRAGON animal, when Satan has been the Serpent! This part 1 and part 2 will bring some clarity, pose more questions, and provide fodder for more video exploration. Journey with me, please. Sub, comment, like and share. Make sure you are born again and into the One New Mankind in Christ. But there are likely to be more parts as we produce them, after further research bears out in the news, and how the Scripture brings glorious [ true] LIGHT. God is showing us that he is right here with us. He is aware. We can invest our full trust in Jesus, and the Rescue he has planned for his bride-wife. Keep looking up

Islam isnt the enemy..its was created as an antithesis relgion to christiniaty and isalm and is used as a boogeyman for the US/israel satanic organization and a excuse for their wars and government takeovers of countries who dontf all into the New world order gameplan

We have pointed out the advance of Sharia Law by Islamists in the US to overthrow our Constitution, but what about Noahide laws promoted by occultic Jews, descendants of the Pharisees that Jesus said were children of the devil? 

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