“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open”—-Luke 8:17 Current Events 10/22-10/28/17

Matthew 10:26
So do not be afraid of them. For nothing is concealed that will not be uncovered, or hidden that will not be made known.



What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul. Spending all of eternity in hell is not worth the price they will eventually pay for it.

Corey Feldman, from the Goldstien families, (Hasidic Jews), when in interviews talking about Corey Haim, from the Guggenheim’s, (one of the wealthiest families in the world), has a robotic, word for word scripted, “Who’s Line Is It Anyway” presentation.


Look Who Is Offering To Fund Weinstein Lawsuits!

As I predicted in previous vids the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal has now expanded into the satanic realm of pedophilia, and it is now obvious that this was a well-planned psyop by insiders/ whistleblowers of the populist factions in the media and the power structure meant to not only bring down the Hollywood satanic pedophile network through Harvey Weinstein (one of the major culprit with numerous, numerous ties to other pedophile suspects in the entertainment industry), but also to ensure that it would lead to the inevitable connection with the Washington pedophile Elite, as proven by the latest groundbreaking news of the FBI having initiated an investigation into Weinstein’s friendship with renowned elite pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his purchase of little underage girls from him (not to mention having served as Chief Projectionist for the White House for Bill Clinton from 1992 to 2000). Pres. Trump in the meantime has announced that next week he WILL release the promised 3000 and more JFK files from the National Archives following the 25 yr moratorium by grand genocidal dictator George Bush Jr. What does this mean? That History is NO LONGER on the side of the Globalists and their fall is at hand.

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