I am God..No Yezzus!!!!

I am God..That is the oldest lie of the devil(Satan).It’s also the name of  a song off of Kayne West new album, “Yezzus”..so apparently Kayne is both the father and the son….lol..smh… Funny but sad…a combination of pride, the influence of the illuminati controlled music industry as well as false teachings that he learned from his affiliiation with Jay-Z(who studied under Dr.Malahci York, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_York.) But on a lighter scale..how often do we say we are God of our own loves..doing not what Gods commandments says but what we think, or the person whose authority we are under, or the “king”(influential, rich or important) whose favor you want. Even the so-called church people make themselves Gods, and if not themselves, pastors, bishops and whatever other titles that people use to try to show spiritual authority over others and negatively control their lives( In the Bible Yeshua says call no man your father or teacher or rabbi, as we are called to be taught by Yeshua alone Matthew 23:1-13). We become our own (American) idols, which violates the 1st commandment(thou shall not have worship any idols Exodus 20)…Yahweh is a jealous god and he will punish those who practice idolatry..He may even give us what we so badly desire, to our won destruction. I’ve learned from life experience my plans arent anywhere as good as Gods and usually bad for me…On a deeper level, this attitude that we can be equal with the Most High is what will alow the antichrist to deceive many and gain power. It is the philosphy of the Illumminati. The Bible says even now the antichrist spirit is present.(I John 4:3)In it is present ever so much in the “I am God” attitude. Those who say they beleive in God now say that God is wrong about homosexuality and they are right. This attitude has plauged the church for years as they continue to have worship on the day of the sun-god(Sunday), practice(demand) the unbibliclal practice of tithing and continue to practice pagan holidays(Christmas, Easter, etc). We have made ourselves God’s and worship the created things more than the One who creates all.(Romans 1:26). In order to win we gotta play by rules of God, not our owns, or anyone else. As Kayne said in “New Slaves”, its about to get turnt up!! We gonna need a winning gameplan. Why dont we step back and let God(Yahweh) be God and jsut lets us be at his mercy…when you live that like,,you wont have no worries!!

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